PS2 and PS3 Blog Post

In PS2 Rule of Thirds and Cropping Assignment, I used the crop tool to create these images to follow the Rule of Thirds. The top image of each picture is the before and the one below it is the after product.

In the PS2 Cropping and Straighten assignment, I used the crop tool and the straighten tool where I drew a line for the picture to guide to. The left image shows the stairs that are not on a horizontal line, but after I used the crop and straighten tools the stairs one the right are going in straight lines from side to side.

In the PS3 Tiger assignment, I used the select tool and filters to create the image to the right. I selected individual squares and chose different filters for each one, which gave it an awesome effect.

In the PS3 Illustrator Page with Logos assignment, I used the Magic Wand and Quick Select tools to create a transparent background on each of the logos.

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